
MY Services

  • What is Reiki?

    Reiki is a non-invasive technique to promote healing by releasing congestion from energy centers to enable a good flow of energy to the body. It is administered by “laying hands” on major energy centers (chakras) of the body and based on the idea of channeling universal light and love through a practitioner to a client.

    Benefits of Reiki:

    • Increase energy

    • Relieves stress and anxiety.

    • Promotes feelings of calmness.

    • Encourages emotional support.

    • Eases pain and discomfort.

    • Promotes mental clarity.

    • Improves sleep.

    • Increases rate of recovery from injury.

    • Eases muscle tension.

    • Enhances spiritual connection.

    About the session:

    During an in-person reiki session, I will place my hands either on or a few inches away from the clients body. I will connect to the energy of my clients, help clear blockages, and infuse the body with the energies of love and light. During a distant session, I will send these energies through time and space.

    You may feel some warmth or coolness, tingling, or simply relaxed. Some people may see some colors or visuals. Regardless of whether you notice sensations or not, trust that reiki is flowing for your highest good. There is no need to get too hung up on these sensations. Everyone is different and every reiki treatment is different. Additionally pay close attention to how you feel after the reiki treatment(s). You may feel better or feel more centered and less triggered.

    How To Prepare For Your Reiki Session?

    • Drink some water. It’s good to avoid alcohol or recreational drugs as they alter your consciousness.

    • If you’re receiving distance healing, find a comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.

    • Set an intention for your session. Who’s presence to you wish to call in? What do you want to heal? What are you ready to release? What are you ready to manifest? This doesn’t have to be an elaborate process. Simply write down the first few things that come to mind.

    • Trust that you will receive exactly what you need in that moment.

    You can also …

    • Use your favorite essential oils as they can raise your vibration and open the chakras for further healing.

    • Intuitively choose a crystal to support your session.

    • If you have any practices of clearing your space with some sage, you may do so.

    • Use an affirmation such as “I am open to receiving healing energies for my highest good.”

    • Return to your breath to center and help facilitate the flow of Ki.

    How can you continue the healing after my session?

    You may journal about your session and make notes of how you felt. Did you receive any messages? What is ready to heal on a deeper level? Notice any changes in perception? Do you see any person or situation differently than prior? What is the quality of your thoughts like?

    Notice any changes in your physical body?

    Continue drinking water to flush out any toxins that may have been dislodged from your system.

    Lastly, feel free to reach out to me with questions that arise. I’m here to support you. Be patient with yourself in the healing journey. Try not to judge anything that comes up. Be willing to witness your self with compassion.

  • In this particular reading, I will be communicating and connecting you to your loved ones on the other side to bring you clarity, peace, and heart healing. At the moment these readings take place through Zoom only.

  • If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 holistic coaching might be the right step for you. I offer a free initial consultation where we can get to know each other and dive a little deeper into the kind of mentoring you seek. Once a decision has been made to work together, I will create a plan based on your needs that will consist of Reiki Sessions, Guided Meditation, Breathwork, and Intuitive Coaching. I will always approach and proceed our sessions with compassion and kindness in order to create and maintain a deep spiritual connection.

  • A reading can provide clarity around a specific situation or questions you have.

    I offer Angel, Tarot, and Oracle card readings. All are amazing tools to connect with spirit! Oracle cards hold a broader energy & give an insight into a greater sense of what is going on. Angel Tarot cards and Tarot cards are a bit more detailed.

    Please note that readings are not an exploration into looking at the lives of others nor are they predicting the future. They are meant to provide guidance that serves your highest good so you can move forward & not take the place of standard medical or psychological treatment or therapy.